1. UK
UK citizens must get their original DBS and a scanned copy of their Bachelor's degree notarized by a reliable solicitor that you may know personally or from a trusted soliciting company, before getting them apostilled, or "legalized"Please refer to the following website for more info : https://www.gov.uk/get-document-legalisedThere are also agencies that can expedite the process for you as well. A recommended agency :https://www.hagueapostille.co.uk/uk-apostilles-overseas-customers?gclid=CjwKCAiAyMHhBRBIEiwAkGN6fNCKtreu78HXSFqn0SkdGW0c0jR2uU_Ya1sP4rXuHYts6CCqnn6dlRoC4UQQAvD_BwE(Timeline Estimation : 1~2 weeks)
2. Ireland
Your original Irish police check and a scanned copy of your Bachelor's degree must be notarized by a solicitor or public official before being apostilled by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.Please refer to this webpage for more details : https://www.dfa.ie/travel/our-services/authenticating-documents/(Timeline estimation : 1~2 weeks)
3. Australia
Australian citizens must get their police check and Bachelor's degree notarized by a public a notary or lawyer before getting them apostilled by the Apostille Australian Certificate Service. Please refer to the following website for more details :https://www.apostille.com.au/order.php(Timeline estimation : 1~2 weeks)